Villa Football Club

Founded 1953

Co. Waterford

Registration for 2020/21 Season

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Welcome back to all our players and parents for the 2020/21 season.

We are aiming to move as much of the registration and payment process as possible online and are using ClubZap to do so. Villa Vision and registration forms will also be distributed to our managers for you to complete. A hard copy of the registration form is required by the leagues.

In order to comply with the FAI regulations, every player who wishes to play with Villa FC must register under one of the below packages and complete a registration form which can be found from your team manager. Any player that does not register will not be covered under club insurance and will not be eligible to play.

Please purchase a package which relates to your own age and not any above age groups you may play up to.

Club Packages:

Villa Academy Membership 2020/2021 - Buy Here

Schoolboy (Under 11 - Under 16) - Buy Here

Schoolgirls (Under 10 - Under 18) - Buy Here

Adult/Junior - Book Here

Villa Vision membership 2020/2021 - Register Here

“Members who have signed up for our monthly Villa Vision direct debit payment should select this option and complete their details and review and consent to our club policies. No further payment is required for this option. Villa Vision membership covers the fees for all members from the same household.”

If any player/family feels they will have difficulty meeting the membership fee requirements due to their circumstances, please contact the relevant managers and/or committee member and we can discuss some options with you.

With the new 2020/21 season just around the corner, we can't wait to have you sign up with Villa Football Club for an enjoyable season.

Yours in Sport,

Paul Morrissey

Villa Football Club Chairman